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Dennis Moradkhani

Student & Developer

Passionate engineering student with an interest in Fullstack Development, Data Visualization and Computer Vision. Let's innovate and shape the future!


Let's explore what I'm up to, who I am and my interests. 🚀

  • What I'm Up To 📝

    At the moment I am finishing up my Master's degree in Media Technology and Engineering with a major in Computer Science. Right now I'm in Salt Lake City, Utah, conducting my Master's thesis: Cloud-Based Tablet User Interface for Real-Time Touch Interaction in OpenSpace.

  • Who Am I? 🔍

    I'm Dennis. A cheerful guy passionate about all things software engineering. I was born and raised in the beautiful capital of Sweden, Stockholm. I moved to Norrköping to study Media Technology, where I found my interests in Web Development, Computer Vison and Data Visualization. I'm a firm believer that anything is possible, as long as you put in the time and effort!

  • My Hobbies 🎨

    When I'm not studying I'm either working on a side project, learning new technologies or being active in student groups trying to bring the student community together. Of course I have other hobbies too. Like Skateboarding, getting a sweaty workout at the gym and recently honing my skills in Jiu Jitsu and MMA.


I'm an open-minded person, always seeking new knowlegde. Here are some of my current skills and work experiences. 🧠

Graduate Research Assistant
SCI University of Utah | 2024-Present
Master's thesis at the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at University of Utah developing a new Cloud-Based User Interface for the astro-visualization software OpenSpace.
ReactC++Design PatternsFigmaResearch
Software Developer
NIRA Dynamics | 2023-2024
Developed a cross-platform React Native app to display Road Surface Information from NIRA's API, including Road Surface Alerts and alert notifications.
React NativeAPI Integration
Laboratory Assistant & Lecturer
Linköping University | 2021-2024
Responsible for lectures, labs, and final programming projects in courses TNM040 and TNMK30, covering topics such as React, software development, version control, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, and MySQL.
Responsible for Web Application
Career Fair Media Technology Day | 2022-2023
Mainly responsible for maintaining and contributing to the website for the program's career fair, working with React and Next.js.
ReactNext.jsSCSSProject Management
Programming Tutor
LiTHehack | 2022-2023
Participated in providing programming assistance to students, including guiding in school labs and personal projects, and delivering presentations on programming topics such as Git.
GitProgramming AssistanceReactC++PHPHTMLCSSMySQLJava


Heres a few of my selected side projects. 👨🏻‍💻

  • Korren


    Choosing the right student housing can be a challenging task for new university students who aren't familiar with the choices at Linköping university. Korren is the handy web tool for new student's who are in need of guidance for making their choice. Student's can read and create their own reviews of student housings. With every review the student can upload images and write text descriptions of their experiences with the housing.
  • Masterval


    In a bachelor's project with four other students, we developed a tool to facilitate the selection of master's courses for media technology students at Linköping University. This tool validates courses and provides an overview of choices, which students typically manage in self-created Excel files. Initially, we planned to use a MERN architecture, but we ultimately decided on an ASP.NET framework with an MVC architecture, using React for the frontend and MongoDB as the database. The MVC pattern allowed for separation of concerns between the user interface, data, and application logic.
  • Twitter Sentiment Analysis
    PythonRandom ForestNaive BayesSGDMachine Learning

    Twitter Sentiment Analysis

    Twitter Sentiment Analysis tool utilizing machine learning models, including Random Forest Classifier, Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier, and Stochastic Gradient Descent classifier, to analyze the sentiment of tweets. The dataset used for training and testing the model comprised 1.6 million tweets from Kaggle's Sentiment140, with additional data collected from the Twitter API using the Tweepy library. The project involved data preprocessing, feature engineering, and parameter tuning to optimize the model's performance. The TF-IDF method was employed to extract features from the tweet data. The final model achieved a best score of approximately 71% accuracy in sentiment prediction.
Designed and Developed By Dennis Moradkhani
© 2024